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Posted by : Ikrar Hesa Prasetya Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ameba Pico Guide~

You get 5 tokens and you can't start over even if you reinstall the app. Tokens are used to buy things that cost 'gold' which is the game money you gotta pay real money for (or do surveys). I suggest 1 for Time Machine, 1 for Volcano Dance, 1 for Backflip (cause who doesn't want that??), 1 for wallpaper (best imo is the pirate one) and 1 for fashion.


/angry - Angry sign
/conf - Mad scribbles
/fun - Music notes
/heart - 2 ♥'s
/hungry - Knife and fork
/insp - Lightbulb
/kiss - Lips
/min - Makes you become "mini me"
/nekohebi- Makes a cute kitty.
/panda - Cute Panda
/sad - Tear
/thumb - Thumbs up
/zzz - Sleep

Default Actions: Hello, Bow, Joy, Sad, Angry

Extra Actions (Gummies): Please, Clap, Nod, Smile, Surprise, Laugh

Extra Actions (Gold): Blush, Pout, Sexy?, Ponder, Uneasy, Yawn, Backflip, Volcano Dance, Tipsy Stagger, Sword Fight, Viking Dance

1000 Limited Gummies:

Props - 300/day @10G/ea
Rings - 300/day @10G/ea
Eating food - 200/day @10G/ea
Sharing food - 200/day @10G/ea

Extra Bonus Gummies:

Change clothes - 50/day

When you collect 500 Gummies you get +100 Bonus Gummies

When you collect 1000 Gummies you get +200 Bonus Gummies


-If you win:30Gummies/each game
-If you lose:10Gummies/each game

Card Match
-If you win:20Gummies/each game
-If you lose:10Gummies/each game

Pirates RPS up to 600/day
-If you win:10Gummies/each game
-If you lose:5Gummies/each game

Star Collection Book:

Note: A lot of people get confused where it says "Bonus Chance! Click the stars" and it just means the bonus chance IS the star book and you click the stars to the right for info on each task.

1st Page:

1. Go Travel - Click the Travel icon and go out! Meet other Picos. 100G

2. Use your "Hello" Action - Use the bottom left icon to wave. 100G

3. Give Pico Props - Click on someone else and click Props. 100G

4. Go visit someone's room - Click on someone else and click the house icon. 100G

5. "Ring" the bell - When in someone's room, click the Ring button. 100G

6. Go to closet and dress up - Click closet button and change your clothes. 100G

7. Move your furniture - Click "Decor" and then click the item to move and click "move". 100G

8. Go to Catalog Order Shop - Click "Shop". 100G

9. Play Daily Gacha - Click "Gacha" and then "Play gacha". 100G

10. Make a Pico Buddy - Click on someone else and choose "Buddy request". They don't have to accept it for the reward. 100G

11. Take a photo. Click "Camera" and "Take a shot". Don't need to save it to an album for the reward. 100G

12. Purchase a Time Machine - Click Travel and try to go to one of the brown areas to the right and you'll see a popup to purchase a time machine. If you did the tutorial you can just use a token. 100G

13. Enter your profile - In the top right corner, click "Settings". Enter info and Save. 100G

14. Enter the room settings - From "Settings" click the Room tab and fill that out. 100G

15. Visit the Statue of Liberty - Click Travel, scroll down to New York and click the one on the right. 150G

16. Warp to Pico Buddy - You need an online buddy for this. Click Buddies and click the green monster to warp to them. 150G

2nd page:

17. Send a letter - You need an offline buddy for this. Click "Buddies" and click the offline buddy, then click the envelope icon. 150G

18. Leave a message on another Picos message board - Go to someone elses room and click the little pencil and white square at the top left. Post a message. 150G

19. Whisper others - You need an online buddy. Click "Buddies" and click your friend, then click the speech bubble that says whisper. 150G

20. Play Reversi - Click "Travel" and then the "Game" Tab. Pick a room to play and click on a table. You don't have to go through a whole game, just initiate one. 150G

21. Play Match Cards - Same thing as above. You don't have to go through a whole game, just initiate one. 150G

22. Visit Theme area - Click "Travel", then "Theme" tab and pick a room. 150G

23. Change your wallpaper - You need to buy a new wallpaper for this. Find one you like at any of the stores and buy one, then go to your room and click Decor to apply it. 150G

24. Watch Volcano explosion - You need Time Travel. Go to "Stone Age" and wait for the volcano to erupt. 300G

25. Consume your food/drinks - If you played Gacha and got food, it's in your "Pocket". If not, get more from gacha or buy food from Augustine's Bar or from Nakamise St. Click Travel, Shop tab, and Other if you can't find them. 150G

26. Share your food/drinks - In any area, click Pocket and bring out up to 3 food items at a time for people to eat. 150G

27. Receive 100 Pico Props - Just hang out in busy areas, switching areas after a while and eventually the props will add up. 150G

28. Invite 3 people into your room at once - Luring people into your room with promises of food is the best way. 150G

29. Invite 5 people - 300G

30. Invite 9 people - PARTY 1000G!!

31. Receive 50 Pico Props within 1 day - 150G

32. Receive 100 Pico Props within 1 day - 300G

33. Win Reversi 100 times - 500G

3rd Page:

34. Win Matching Cards 100 times - 500G

35. Place 100 Blocks in your room - Get from Gacha or buy from the machines in the Flea Market for 200-300 each. 1000G!

36. Time-Travel to Caribbean Port - Click Travel, and under "Age of Exploration" click "Caribbean Seaport" which is the first one. 150G

37. Play Pirates Rock-paper-scissors - 150G

38. Win Pirates RPS 100 times - 500G

39. Team up and beat the monster - Go to "Pirate Ship" and get 10 people to click the cannons to beat the monster.

40. Meet the Dinosaur - go to the Stone age obviously, and do the Volcano Dance with 10 people simultaneously. Buy the dance from Macca's Shop at the bottom left with a token or Gold. You could also just idle and wait but it may take a while for 10 people to dance at the same time. 300G

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